Anishnabek Employment & Training Services. Thunder Bay Branch
Delivering Employment and Training Programs & Services to the Following 8 First Nations: Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek, Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek, Kiashke Zaaging Anishinabek, Michipicoten First Nation, Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation, Pays Plat First Nation, Pic Mobert First Nation, and Red Rock Band
Avenue II
It is Avenue II's belief that all people have the right to compete for and acquire meaningful employment. In keeping with our mission, "Total Inclusion Through People", we strive to achieve "Real Jobs for Real People" by assisting adults with a developmental disability to become employed.
Canadian Hearing Society. Northern Literacy and Lifeskills Program
Northern Literacy and Lifeskills Program is an innovative program designed to provide Deaf adults with an opportunity to develop independent living skills and to increase communication skills in American Sign Language (ASL) and basic English. The program staff assess language and life skills needs prior to entry into the program. The curriculum also includes training in Math and basic computer skills.
Canadian Mental Health Association - Thunder Bay (New Foundations Clubhouse)
Our main objective is to provide opportunities for Clubhouse members to enhance their mental health and live life to their fullest potential through activities jointly shared by member and staff that include; supported employment and education, supportive housing, and social recreation, through the work ordered day.
Community Living Thunder Bay - Monty Parks Centre (Employment and Skill Development)
The Employment & Community Support Team meets with service users, listens to their specific career goals and then assists in all aspects of securing and continuing employment in the community. This process often leads to paid employment, job placements or meaningful volunteer activities that give people an opportunity to participate in the community. Supported Employment & Community Support staff develop and maintain ongoing contact with and support for both individuals and employers.
Confederation College. Access and Upgrading Programs. Personal Career Development Program
Access and Upgrading Programs. If you do not currently meet the minimum academic requirements to be accepted into the postsecondary program of your choice, our programs could enable you to meet those entrance requirements.
Confederation College. Career Services
Career Services provides assistance to students and graduates interested in obtaining full time, summer and part time employment. A variety of employment and placement services are available, at no cost, to employers seeking to meet their hiring needs. In addition, for those requiring program and admission information on Confederation College, Career Services provides a prompt and informative College Liaison Service.
Confederation College. Geraldton and Greenstone Municipality. Job Connect
Our main service focus is to help local youth between the ages of 15 and 24 to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to find and keep a job. Our Job Connect Community Employment Resource Centre enables us to provide resources and services to all job seekers, no matter what age. If you would like to learn more about our services, please drop in or give us a call. Our friendly staff is ready to help you.
Confederation College. Northwest Employment Works. Thunder Bay/Dryden/Marathon
If you are: out of school and work and need help finding a job; a new Canadian looking for assistance in finding employment; an employer looking for assistance in hiring new staff; a student looking for a part-time or summer job...find out how we can help you!
Fort William First Nation
Long before the first European explorers set foot on what is now known as Canada, the ancestors of the present-day members of Fort William First Nation (FWFN) lived along the north shore of Lake Superior near the mouth of the Kaministikquia River. Settlers from eastern Canada and from Europe found the area attractive too, as demonstrated by the growth of the adjacent City of Thunder Bay, originally two separate towns by the names of Port Arthur and Fort William.
Geraldton Service Canada Centre
Service Canada Centres are full service centres offering a mix of information and transactional services.
Independent Living Resource Centre Thunder Bay
We strive to provide a broad range of comprehensive services through programs to persons with disabilities as well as education and inclusion support to our community and region. If you are a person with a disability; a family member or friend of a person with a disability; an employer of a person with a disability; or the general public in need of information and answers related to any disability issue Contact Us Today!
John Howard Society of Thunder Bay. Job Placement and Development
The John Howard Society is a community based organization that supports people who are at risk or involved in the criminal justice system through service, reform, education and advocacy.
Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement programs are delivered free-of-charge to students by volunteers from the business community. We're proud that Junior Achievement remains a world-recognized leader in the delivery of business education programs for young people. Since 1955, Junior Achievement students in Canada have participated in our experiential learning programs to discover free enterprise, understand business and economics and develop their entrepreneurial and leadership skills.
Lakehead Employment Services
Offers Employment Counselling to qualified applicants;provides career planning assistance for effective decision making; job search strategies and ongoing job search support; training opportunities and options; provides on-site resources including internet access to listing of all jobs available in Thunder Bay and Ontario, free workshops for "maturity works" to assist in all job search needs. Second Career: Provides support to recently laid off unemployed workers who require long term training for employment in high skill, high demand occupations
Lakehead University Career & Co-operative Education Centre
Career and Co-operative Education Services develops career development competencies in the area of personal management, learning/work exploration and life/work building. In order to provide the highest professional quality service to the University, Students and Employers, the centre is a combined centralized unit incorporating Career and Co-operative Education/Internship operations as part of Lakehead University's Student Affairs unit.
Matawa Employment and Training
Matawa Employment & Training (MET) Is a New Division of Matawa First Nations Located at the Matawa First Nations office in Thunder Bay, our goal is to help First Nation people of all ages to achieve their personal career goals through improved access to employment and training initiatives.
Metis Nation of Ontario. Thunder Bay Metis Council. Training Initiative
Métis Nation of Ontario Training Initiatives (MNOTI) provides training to the Métis people of Ontario. Programs are geared towards finding and keeping work or increasing career skills. A number of programs have been introduced which offer financial support and opportunity to Métis individuals. The focus of each program is employment and employability through wage subsidies, training purchases, skills development and special projects. Nine Regional Community Development Officers provide support and access to employment programs and services across the Province. For more information on any of MNOTI?s programs, contact the Community Development Officer nearest to you.
Northern Ontario Entrepreneur Program
Supporting Entrepreneurship Opportunities Across the North Are you an ambitious northerner with a new entrepreneurial idea and the drive to develop your own business? The NOHFC is proud to support northern entrepreneurs, with up to $125,000 funding per project.
Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre
The Innovation Centre acts as a pivotal player in growing Northwestern Ontario?s innovation capacity. By encouraging ongoing cooperation between business, education and government, the Centre is a driving force to improve economic vitality. In addition, the Centre seeks out new approaches to improve, enhance and invigorate a commercialization system in our region. We offer support to innovative entrepreneurs, businesses, and community projects in the region of Northwestern Ontario. Located in Thunder Bay on Lakehead University campus, the Centre prides itself on creating linkages, engaging entrepreneurs, supporting management, training people, accessing markets, developing and implementing businesses plans, sourcing financing and building success!
Ontario Disability Support Program
The Ontario Disability Support Program helps eligible people with disabilities by providing-financial help: This is called Income Support and it helps people with disabilities who are in financial need pay for living expenses, like food and housing-help finding a job: This is called Employment Supports and it helps people with disabilities who can and want to work prepare for and find a job. The Ontario Disability Support Program is managed and delivered by the Ministry of Community and Social Services.
Ontario March of Dimes - Employment Planning
We provide effective and thorough assessments to help you identify realistic job goals. We look at your medical, educational, vocational and employment history, and design an assessment based on your individual needs. Our Assessment Services can help find the workplace environment that's right for you.
Ontario March of Dimes - Job Skills Training Centre
In today's technology-driven workplace, employees need to be equipped with the specialized skills that employers require. At Ontario March of Dimes, we monitor labour market trends and other data to design training programs that provide these skills.
Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)
The Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) provides clear descriptions of the Essential Skills and work habits important for work, learning and life. Essential Skills are used in virtually all occupations and are transferable from school to work, job to job and sector to sector. The OSP offers high school students, adult learners, job seekers, workers, employers, teachers, trainers, practitioners, job developers and counsellors a common language, resources and tools that help build competence, confidence and connections.
Service Canada - Human Resources Centres of Canada for Students - Thunder Bay
A Service Canada Centre for Youth (SCCY) is an office which targets young people, mostly secondary and post-secondary students. The primary mandate of an SCCY is to assist students in their search for summer employment by connecting them with local employers and helping them prepare their resumes.
Thunder Bay Multicultural Association (Immigrant Settlement Adaptation Services)
The Newcomer Settlement Program provides walk-in information and referral services to refugees and newcomers. Settlement workers provide newcomer refugee and immigrant families with basic settlement, orientation, and information services. Second migration families are also assisted.
Atikokan Community Futures Development Corporation
The Atikokan Economic Development Corporation is a non-profit, community based corporation. We are governed by a fifteen member Board of Directors who are elected at the Annual General Meeting for a three year term. The Atikokan Economic Development Corporation works to promote the community and area. We also work to maintain and recruit business to the community. We offer a number of services including business plan development and community strategic planning, the Self Employment Assistance Program, etc.
Business Development Bank of Canada - Thunder Bay Branch
The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) is a financial institution wholly owned by the government of Canada. BDC plays a leadership role in delivering financial, investment and consulting services to Canadian small and medium-sized businesses. These services complement those of private sector financial institutions. Building on 60 years of success as Canada's small business bank, BDC provides solutions to today's business challenges to help small businesses develop into tomorrow's business leaders. BDC's experienced, highly-trained account managers and business consultants provide superior, customized service to meet the individual needs of entrepreneurs at every stage of their business development.
Community Futures Development Corporations in Ontario
Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) support community economic development by assisting Ontario?s rural and northern communities to strengthen and diversify their economies. With 37 corporations in rural southern Ontario and 24 in Northern Ontario, CFDCs are well positioned to offer local solutions to local needs.
Community Profile - City of Thunder Bay
Thunder Bay is the largest community on Lake Superior. With a population of 109,140, it is the most populous municipality in Northwestern Ontario and the second most populous in Northern Ontario after Greater Sudbury. The Thunder Bay Community Profile is a 300+ page publication featuring demographic, economic and cultural information for the City of Thunder Bay.
FedNor is a federal regional development organization in Ontario that works with a variety of partners, as both a facilitator and catalyst, to help create an environment in which communities can thrive, businesses can grow and people can prosper.
Geraldton Service Canada Centre
Service Canada Centres are full service centres offering a mix of information and transactional services.
Independent Living Resource Centre Thunder Bay
We strive to provide a broad range of comprehensive services through programs to persons with disabilities as well as education and inclusion support to our community and region. If you are a person with a disability; a family member or friend of a person with a disability; an employer of a person with a disability; or the general public in need of information and answers related to any disability issue Contact Us Today!
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Canada's economic and social well-being benefits from strong, self-sufficient Aboriginal and northern people and communities. Our vision is a future in which First Nations, Inuit, Métis and northern communities are healthy, safe, self-sufficient and prosperous - a Canada where people make their own decisions, manage their own affairs and make strong contributions to the country as a whole.
Lakehead Adult Education Centre
The Lakehead Adult Education Centre at 125 Lillie Street South offers a range of high school credits as well as English as a Second Language (ESL) programs for new Canadian residents. Heritage language programs are also available. It?s never too late to learn?explore the adult education options with Lakehead Public Schools right now. Our mission is to serve a diverse multicultural and multi-aged community with the highest quality of education.
Lakehead University Career & Co-operative Education Centre
Career and Co-operative Education Services develops career development competencies in the area of personal management, learning/work exploration and life/work building. In order to provide the highest professional quality service to the University, Students and Employers, the centre is a combined centralized unit incorporating Career and Co-operative Education/Internship operations as part of Lakehead University's Student Affairs unit.
Metis Nation of Ontario. Thunder Bay Metis Council. Training Initiative
Métis Nation of Ontario Training Initiatives (MNOTI) provides training to the Métis people of Ontario. Programs are geared towards finding and keeping work or increasing career skills. A number of programs have been introduced which offer financial support and opportunity to Métis individuals. The focus of each program is employment and employability through wage subsidies, training purchases, skills development and special projects. Nine Regional Community Development Officers provide support and access to employment programs and services across the Province. For more information on any of MNOTI?s programs, contact the Community Development Officer nearest to you.
Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forests
Northern Ontario makes up about 90 percent of Ontario, and is bigger than most provinces. In this rugged and varied land, you?ll find everything from towns and cities to farmland and forest to muskeg and rock. Only the most remote parts of the province are not linked by permanent roads or Internet service. The Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry serves this region and the province?s minerals industry. We deliver provincial government programs and services in Northern Ontario. We also represent northern and mining interests at Queen?s Park.
Nishnawbe-Aski Development Fund. Business Assistance, Loans, and Consulting
Current and prospective Aboriginal entrepreneurs can get help every step of the way from our team of experienced and flexible experts. We provide our clients with personalized services, programs and resources to support the success of your business. NADF assists entrepreneurs in determining the viability of an idea, securing financing*, and providing guidance with set up and running a business, including support for improvement of products and processes.
Nishnawbe-Aski Development Fund. Community Development
Through NADF's partnership with FedNor and the Community Futures Development Program (CFDC) we are able to offer community planning support services to 33 First Nations within Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN): Community/Regional Economic Development Strategic planning including development of consultant terms of reference Promotion of regional strategic planning Annual economic development officer workshops Assist communities in project identification Support with other government initiatives: Northern Ventures, Business Retention & Expansion, and Local Initiatives Contributions (LIC)
North Superior Workforce Planning Board
Connecting community partners to improve the quality of life in our communities through workforce development.
Northern Ontario Entrepreneur Program
Supporting Entrepreneurship Opportunities Across the North Are you an ambitious northerner with a new entrepreneurial idea and the drive to develop your own business? The NOHFC is proud to support northern entrepreneurs, with up to $125,000 funding per project.
Ontario March of Dimes - Employment Planning
We provide effective and thorough assessments to help you identify realistic job goals. We look at your medical, educational, vocational and employment history, and design an assessment based on your individual needs. Our Assessment Services can help find the workplace environment that's right for you.
Ontario March of Dimes - Job Skills Training Centre
In today's technology-driven workplace, employees need to be equipped with the specialized skills that employers require. At Ontario March of Dimes, we monitor labour market trends and other data to design training programs that provide these skills.
Service Canada - Human Resources Centres of Canada for Students - Thunder Bay
A Service Canada Centre for Youth (SCCY) is an office which targets young people, mostly secondary and post-secondary students. The primary mandate of an SCCY is to assist students in their search for summer employment by connecting them with local employers and helping them prepare their resumes.
Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce
The Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce is an action agency designed to meet business community needs. It is a voluntary organization of individuals and businesses who join together to advance the commercial, financial, industrial and civic interests of our community. It is a public relations vehicle, a legislative monitor at the local, provincial and federal levels of government, an information bureau, and a research and promotion medium.
Thunder Bay District Labour Market Information Portal
This website offers a baseline of current and local labour market information, research, government program summaries and contacts, and links to community employment services for the District of Thunder Bay. The NSWPB is committed to ensuring this website is maintained and kept current with timely and valuable data relevant to the economic landscape of our region. Our current database of information will grow and expand as the portal continues to moves forward.