Atikokan Community Futures Development Corporation
The Atikokan Economic Development Corporation is a non-profit, community based corporation. We are governed by a fifteen member Board of Directors who are elected at the Annual General Meeting for a three year term. The Atikokan Economic Development Corporation works to promote the community and area. We also work to maintain and recruit business to the community. We offer a number of services including business plan development and community strategic planning, the Self Employment Assistance Program, etc.
Community Futures Development Corporations in Ontario
Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) support community economic development by assisting Ontario?s rural and northern communities to strengthen and diversify their economies. With 37 corporations in rural southern Ontario and 24 in Northern Ontario, CFDCs are well positioned to offer local solutions to local needs.
Confederation College. Northwest Employment Works. Thunder Bay/Dryden/Marathon
If you are: out of school and work and need help finding a job; a new Canadian looking for assistance in finding employment; an employer looking for assistance in hiring new staff; a student looking for a part-time or summer job...find out how we can help you!
Metis Nation of Ontario. Thunder Bay Metis Council. Training Initiative
Métis Nation of Ontario Training Initiatives (MNOTI) provides training to the Métis people of Ontario. Programs are geared towards finding and keeping work or increasing career skills. A number of programs have been introduced which offer financial support and opportunity to Métis individuals. The focus of each program is employment and employability through wage subsidies, training purchases, skills development and special projects. Nine Regional Community Development Officers provide support and access to employment programs and services across the Province. For more information on any of MNOTI?s programs, contact the Community Development Officer nearest to you.
Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce
The Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce is an action agency designed to meet business community needs. It is a voluntary organization of individuals and businesses who join together to advance the commercial, financial, industrial and civic interests of our community. It is a public relations vehicle, a legislative monitor at the local, provincial and federal levels of government, an information bureau, and a research and promotion medium.
Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce
The Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce is an action agency designed to meet business community needs. It is a voluntary organization of individuals and businesses who join together to advance the commercial, financial, industrial and civic interests of our community. It is a public relations vehicle, a legislative monitor at the local, provincial and federal levels of government, an information bureau, and a research and promotion medium.
Anishnabek Employment & Training Services. Thunder Bay Branch
Delivering Employment and Training Programs & Services to the Following 8 First Nations: Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek, Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek, Kiashke Zaaging Anishinabek, Michipicoten First Nation, Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation, Pays Plat First Nation, Pic Mobert First Nation, and Red Rock Band
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
CMHC is Canada's national housing agency. Backed by 60 years of experience, we work with community organizations, the private sector, non-profit agencies and all levels of government to help create innovative solutions to today's housing challenges, anticipate tomorrow's needs, and improve the quality of life for all Canadians.
Greenstone Community Portal
The Municipality of Greenstone, located in the great northwest of Ontario, is named after the ancient belts of lava found throughout the area. Greenstone encompasses the former Towns of Geraldton and Longlac, the Townships of Beardmore and Nakina, together with the settlements of Caramat, Jellicoe, MacDiarmid and Orient Bay. Encompassing over 3000 square kilometres, it is tied together with a presence along 200 kilometres of Trans Canada Highway 11 and is home to over 5,600 residents. Greenstone also borders on the sixth Great Lake ? Lake Nipigon. Lake Nipigon can be readily accessed from the excellent municipal marina facilities at High Hill Harbour in Beardmore.
Nipigon Township Information
The community of Nipigon is "Nestled in Nature." Located in the heart of the Canadian Shield on the northern most point of Lake Superior. Nipigon is situated on the shore of the great Nipigon River that flows from Lake Nipigon to Lake Superior.
Township of Red Rock
Red Rock is a vibrant community located 100 km east of Thunder Bay in Northwestern Ontario. Named for the large red cuesta between Red Rock and Nipigon, Red Rock offers breathtaking scenery including rugged cliffs, verdant forests and sparkling rivers. With a population of 1050, our community attracts many visitors and new residents with an appreciation for the outdoors. Red Rock is a growing community, providing an abundance of services and activities families and business.
Township of Schreiber
The Township of Schreiber has a proud railroad history since 1885 and is currently home to approximately 1,200 residents with roughly 130,000 people within a two hour drive. The township is located in a valley surrounded by rugged hills and on one of the most northerly points of Lake Superior. Residents pass their time with access to recreation and community events and numerous outdoor activities. For information on our area including street maps and business information, please download the New Resident Greetings Handbook.